Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Peeing In Girdle Why Do Cats Start Peeing Out Of Their Litter Box?

Why do cats start peeing out of their litter box? - peeing in girdle

Our cat started to pee on the carpet, and even tried to pee in a houseplant.


♪ Seattle ♫ said...

Hi John ... if it is something that recently, first consider all possibilities, including:
- Changes in litter brands
- Location of the litter is not enough private
- Some cats do urinate like a table and another to have
- Cleaning (some cats are very picky, and prefer a super clean box)
- In general, no litter box for each cat plus one extra as a backup should
- The boys, who can become sexually mature and urine spraying and inappropriate to do about 5-7 months to mark territory.
- Cats on the development of diseases with age such as chronic renal failure (CRF), hyperthyroidism, diabetes, etc., associated

If all these elements have been rejected, the possibility that your cat may be another underlying medical problem, something as simple as a disease of the lower urinary tract have evolved: http://www.marvistavet.com/html / body_fel ... That can help to prevent accidents outside the box. Cats associated with pain associated with the use of the box and change their behavior accordingly.

Here is aStories about why cats insufficient land outside her litter of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine: http://www.vet.cornell.edu/fhc/brochures ...

House soiling is the most common behavior problem reported by cat owners. It includes urination and / or defecation outside the litter box and spraying urine.

Why do cats eliminate outside the litter?
A common misconception is that cats soil in inappropriate places for revenge. It is tempting to conclude: "He cleaned the carpet in the living room to leave me to be punished for the weekend." But this kind of calculation requires sophisticated cognitive abilities that cats are not to possess. Moreover, this conclusion assumes that cats their urine and feces as distasteful, if it is not in reality. It's just believe that people who see it as.

Medical problems
Why do not urinate, then, cats or stool on the bed or carpet? Medical problems are one possibility. Inflammation of the urinary tract can cause pain when urinating or frequent cause inabiliITY urination, blood in urine, and crying during urination. An affected cat is likely to eliminate outside the litter box if it is safe to associate the pain with urination or urgency to urinate. Also kidney, liver and thyroid diseases often lead to drink, and increased urination. Inflammation of the colon or rectum, colon tumors, intestinal parasites and other gastro-intestinal-May cause painful defecation, increased frequency or urgency to do, and went to control bowel movements. Age-related diseases that affect the mobility of a cat (eg, arthritis, nervous system disorders may, or) muscular diseases, or their cognitive functions also affect your ability to adapt to the bedding in period. In short, all the problems of medicine that can affect the normal operation of the removal of cats, lead to house soiling.

Litter box aversion
Behavioral problems such as dislike of the litter, inappropriate site preferences, or urine spraying can be at home pollution. It's about a flight orsomething in the kitty litter your cat finds disagreeable. This could be the box, litter, the location of the box, or all three.

... Remember that on the website for more information

Judith S said...

If the litter is plastic, it would have on the smell too strong and cats communicate his displeasure. Buy a new one and keep it regularly disinfected (bleach once a month). Change the play to the plan daily and weekly newspapers Remove.

Great Place to discourage digging, coarse gravel in the house of leaves on.

Cats hate change. What is different in her life? The hours of work again? Furniture arrangement again? A new partner or a family member? A new pet?

Disinfect clean carpets and beds, the cat.

The herb called rue is effective for 50% of the cats, keep them away from what you distribute.

If all else fails, take the animal to a veterinarian, complaints are physcial eliminate urinary tract infections, especially at very frequent in neutered toms.

sphynxer said...

Could a urinary tract infection. They say that if you are a cat food male fish, resulting in the diet can form crystals, which problems with the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract problems.

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